Lifting Ability: Class 10 (Shown to be much larger than any fighter jet or tank, of which he can likely pick up with ease) | Unknown, at least Class 10 (Superior to his avatars) Comparable to MF DOOM, who is capable of traveling from Earth to Venus and Mars) with Massively FTL+ attack speeds via Rhyming (With Rhyming, King Geedorah was capable of reaching Earth's satellite from Venus and Mars in a second, which would make his soundwaves move at 1,159 times faster than light) | Massively FTL+ (Superior in speed to Rhyming users, as it's an extension of his power His powers can spread across infinite universes) Speed: FTL (King Geedorah is said to have came from another planet outside the solar system, albeit the timeframe is unknown. When the monster, Geedorah passes, only flaming ruins are left", which would require this amount of energy to preform This is also backed up by the fact humanity has decided to live underground as opposed on the surface, further implying it was all going to be devastated) | Multiverse Level+ (Implied to be the one who gave MF DOOM his "god given" powers, including the likes of Rhyming, of which is stated to be capable of filling and spreading across infinite universes) Stated to blow up like Hydrogen), Enhanced Senses ( Able to see the supernatural and also tell wack MCs through glancing), Telepathy ( Stated to have telepathic powers Is the one who communicates to DOOM and gives him information), Immortality (Type 1 Never ages similiarly to it's avatars), Power Bestowal (Gave MF DOOM his "Rhyming" powers)ĭestructive Ability: Country Level (It's stated that King Geedorah is capable of destroying a country with it's power), likely Multi-Continent Level (Implied to be capable of burning the surface of the planet, with it being stated that "Pay heed to my warning, the entire Human race will perish from the Earth.
Can turn people into icicles with his rhymes), Biological Manipulation ( Rhyming can alter the menstrual cycle of females), Lightning Manipulation ( Can produce lightning from simply spitting), Explosion Manipulation (King Geedorah's lyrics can manifest as propelled grenades.
Can drag Djinns, which are spirits in Islamic belief), Electricity Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Law Manipulation ( Rhyming allows King Geedorah to create electro-magnetic fields where logic doesn't abide), Ice Manipulation ( His spit can freeze Vodka.
Can produce sounds potent enough to break through rock), Non-Physical Interaction ( Physically interacts with his rhymes and can sell them. All previous abilities, Non-Corporeal (Described as a "etheric being"), Sound Manipulation (King Geedorah utilizes Rhyming, which is a force that allows Geedorah to preform a variety of effects.